Labelled content
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2006-11-22 - Sydney Business License Approval (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2006-11-22 - Approval of Supplement to IETF-ICANN MOU (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2006-11-22 - Review of .TRAVEL Wildcard Proposal (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2006-11-22 - Approval of New Registry Service by NeuLevel - Bulk Transfer of Partial Portfolio (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2006-11-22 - Approval of New Registry Service by PIR - Excess Deletion Fee (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2006-10-18 - sTLD Agreement with .ASIA (DotAsia Organisation Limited) (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2006-10-18 - Payment of Legal Expenses (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2006-10-18 - Corporate Officer Signing Authorities (Transparency and Accountability Projects)